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Bookniture - Furniture Hidden In A Book


Bookniture is extremely compact furniture. So compact in fact that you can store it or carry it around just like you would a book, and then in just one flip, it unfolds from a book to a piece of multifunctional furniture.

A few weeks ago we brought you the De-Dimentional Furniture by Jongha Choi that was designed amongst other reasons to save space in a world where the population is getting greater and accommodation is getting smaller.
You can also add Bookniture to the list.

Based in one of the most densely populated cities in the world, Hong Kong, a few years ago whilst attending a furniture fair, Mike Mak was given a honeycomb board sample and was amazed by the strength and load capacity of this structure. This structure is widely used in the furniture industry composite boards for shelves and tables. He took this sample back and used it as a decor on bookcase...


Now like everyone, Mike loved having friends at his place, but have never had enough seats for his guests and always end up just sitting on the floor. He wondered if there was a kind of seat that doesn't take up any valuable floor space when not needed it. He found there wasn’t, but then that brought him another question; Is that even possible to have something like that?

One day however, the empty space on Mike's bookcase with honeycomb sample initiated the spark of a new idea and Bookniture was born.


Launched (as many ideas of the last few years have been) on the crowdfunding website Kickstarter they needed $50,000 to put the Bookniture into production. The great litmus test that is the general public approved of the idea with flying colours, and the project was back to the tune of almost $450,000 by over 4000 ‘backers’.

Made from fully-recycled kraft paper the Bookniture when in book form measures just 33cm x 18 cm, but expands to 14 times bigger once opened and can support a weight of up to 1000kg.
Leather backed you can currently chose from 4 different colours; either black, brown, red, or grey.

To find out more information or to place an order please see the official website here.