The winning images for National Geographic’s prestigious Travel Photographer of the Year have been announced. After a panel of experts chose from over 13,000 entries over 3 categories, an entry titled ’Mermaid’ triumphed above all else.

The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends, and to promote this they have again ran their popular Photography contest so we the people can show the world how we connect with nature. Here are the inspiring winners.

Designers Nicolas Damiens and Julien Sens have come up with a really novel creation. They have meticulously taking the handwriting of several world famous songwriters, and converted them in fonts. So now you can pen your next hit in the style of Cobain, Bowie, Lennon and more.

In an age where we’re all encouraged to recycle more you may be surprised to learn that less than 15% of electronic waste is being recycled. To highlight this photographer Von Wong has teamed up with Dell and turned 2 tonnes of computers, laptops, keyboards and cables into works of art.

Providing a glimpse into what is normally out of sight the Underwater Photography Awards 2018 have been announced with some stunning results. Originally ran in 1965 it was brought back in 2014 and since then has gone from strength to strength with this year’s winning entry entitled ‘Cycle War’.

Artist Emmanuelle Moureaux has used over 100,000 paper cut-outs of numbers to create an astounding installation entitled ‘Colour Of Time’. Designed to visualize the passing and flow of time it is a stunning kaleidoscope of colours.

Everything you can imagine is real was a quote originally by Pablo Picasso, but German artist Justin Peters feels it relates perfectly to his work. With some truly surreal photo manipulations he wants to open people’s eyes and discover a new and different world.

Although only in its third year the Siena International Photo Awards has attracted huge participation from the photography community with over 50,000 entries from more than 160 countries, and some of the most stunning breathtaking photographs of 2017.