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Cultured Cream & Blueberries Recipe


Cultured cream is a highly recommended food to consume regularly on the GAPS (Gut & Psychology Syndrome) diet, as it is chock full of probiotics and nourishing fats. Just to clarify, cultured cream may also be referred to as crème fraîche or sour cream. Ideally, the cultured cream should be made from raw cream (although we do acknowledge that it is not always readily available), or a high quality organic pasteurized cream. You want to make sure that when reading the ingredients on the carton, it says cream and nothing else. Most of the conventional dairy brands add other questionable ingredients such as carageenan, polysorbate 80, dextrose, etc. - ingredients it’s better to avoid.

As you can imagine, cultured cream is very rich and absolutely delicious. It does taste a little like sour cream, but some people do tend to find it to have less of that sour taste and lots of that creamy goodness. You can use it as you would sour cream; add it to your soups, tacos, salsa, etc. But because of its richness you can also add it to desserts of all sorts, or simply eat it with berries in your breakfast for example.



Cultured Cream
• 1 litre 35% whipping cream
• 1 packet yogurt starter or 1/2 cup homemade yogurt, kefir or cultured cream
• 1 quart mason jar and lid


Cultured Cream
1 - Start with sterilizing the jar and lid before you begin.
2 - Allow the jar to cool before you pour in the yogurt starter and cream. Cap the jar, give it a gentle shake and let it sit on the counter for at least 24 hours. We recommend to keep it for about 48 hours or until the cream has thickened to a sour cream-like consistency.
3 - When it's ready to your liking, you can store it in the fridge, although it probably won't last long!

To serve this simple dessert, defrost some of your favourite berries, in this case blueberries were used. You can also use fresh berries of your choice. Add a generous dollop of cream to a bowl, then add the berries for an outrageously decadent and satisfying dessert. If you need a little extra sweetness, you can drizzle a touch of raw honey.

*If you do happen to have raw cream available to you, you can follow the same directions for the pasteurized cream.

For this and many more delicious recipes please head on over to