National Geographic has revealed the winning images in its acclaimed Travel Photographer of the Year competition, with the top prize being taken by a once in a lifetime shot dubbed ‘The Power Of Nature’.

National Geographic Travel photography is aimed to be revealing, transporting, and inspiring, and that is why once again they set out in search of their favourite Travel Photograph Of The Year.
A panel of judges sorted through over 15,000 diverse photo submissions from photographers in approximately 30 countries, within the categories for the contest; those being Nature, People and Cities.
The grand prize for the winner was a 10-day Galapagos Island Expedition for two plus $2500.
The winning entry came from the Nature category and is entitled The Power Of Nature and was taken by Mexican photographer Sergio Tapiro Velasco.
It captured a powerful eruption illuminating the slopes of Mexico’s Colima Volcano, and is truly breathtaking. It wasn’t just a stroke of luck though. Tapiro has been photographing Volcanoes for 15 years, and has spent 20 days watching Colima knowing an eruption was pretty imminent, although even he admits never in his wildest dreams did he expect to capture what he did.
And to put in into perspective the lightning bolt you can see is approximately 600 metres long.
Take a look below for some of the other category winners and honorable mentions, and be sure to head to the website here for the rest of the entries.