Cruise Fashion Blog

All the latest fashion news from Cruise

The Cyclotron Bike

It’s been quite a long time since we brought you a Kickstarter project, but we’re sure you’ll agree it has been worth the wait once you see The Cyclotron Bike – the revolutionary spokeless smart cycle. Could this be the next evolution of two wheeled transport?



The New Wave Of Table Designs

Take a look at some nature inspired table designs. From waves to lagoons, and rugged terrain to grass these creations are so stunning the only trouble you’re going to have is that you won’t want to put anything on them!



The Tucker Torpedo 48

The Tucker Torpedo has turned into the most successful unsuccessful car ever designed and made. With a remarkable backstory they only ever produced 51 of them, but next week you can pick one up at auction……if you have a huge chunk of change that is.

