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Saving Banksy - Docu-Film Trailer


Saving Banksy is a forthcoming thought provoking and discussion starting docu-film about the ethics involved in the culture of street art. Is it art or is it vandalism? Should it be free for everyone to enjoy or do people have the right to take it and sell it?

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The documentary feature film is the true story of one misguided art collector’s attempt to save a ‘Banksy’ from destruction and the auction block.

It focuses on the street artist’s oblique relationship to the art market – an anonymous artist whose public works aren’t for sale. Or are they? This documentary would read like an international art heist picture if the outrageous profiteering on display was actually illegal. It does pose the question though What would you do if you owned a million dollar painting that the artist doesn’t want sold?


There is another issue too. Some people consider street art a crime; others consider it a form of art. Graffiti can actually be traced back to the first century BC when inscriptions were scratched on to the surface of rocks and boulders in the predominantly basalt desert of southern Syria, eastern Jordan and northern Saudi Arabia, but does that translate to modern times?
Nowadays how can you differentiate between a mindless criminal act, and a piece of modern art history? It is a borderline issue.

Directed by Colin Day with narration by Paul Polycarpou, it features interviews with the top street and graffiti artists from across the globe, including Ben Eine, Risk, Revok, Niels Mueman, Blek Le Rat, Anthony Lister, Doze Green, Hera and Glen E Friedman.

Saving Banksy - It's not art unless you can sell it for lots of money.

With no release date yet, take a look at the trailer below, which BE WARNED does contain the occasional heated swear word. And for the official website for the docu-film please visit here.