If you were one of those people that would spend ages carefully designing a paper airplane only to see it fail on its maiden flight, then this Kickstarter project is for you. The Powerup Dart is simple, fun, inexpensive, and has taken the crowdfunding public by storm.

The Powerup Dart is a conversion kit for paper planes that makes them awesome. Simply fold a small paper plane, attach the Dart, and fly around your backyard, office or park with impressive accuracy. Do cool tricks with an awesome paper plane jet you fold yourself.
The mini motor is not new to the Powerup company, having been designed 3 years ago, but this version has an added crossbar and improved paper airplane templates to make the Dart. The crossbar enables the Dart to sustain high G Force during tight maneuvers. Plus, you can adjust the plane's stability by moving the bar up and down the spine.
Handling is controlled by an app that can be downloaded for both iOS and Android.

The motor is simply charged up via USB, with a full charge taking 25 mins, and can fly nonstop for 10 mins……a bit longer than the 2.6 seconds we’re used to from our regular efforts. And it can reach a top speed of 25 mph, with a range of over 200 feet.
Hoping for a crowdfunding goal in 30 days of $25,000, they achieved this in far less than 24 hours - as this is written there is still more than 27 days to go and it has already been backed to the tidy sum of over $400,000.
It's not hard to understand why though with plane prices starting from as little as £22.
There’s 6 different designs of planes to choose from, or you can simply make your own plane, and with standard kits you also get a takeoff and landing gear.
And the good news is that if you do back the project you should have your Dart in time for Christmas.

The Powerup Dart is the genius of Shai Goitein, a former industrial designer, and actually a real life pilot, who actually started this out as a project to teach kids about aerodynamics.
Be sure to check out the video below, and for more information, or to back the project visit the Kickstarter page here.