Providing a glimpse into what is normally out of sight the Underwater Photography Awards 2018 have been announced with some stunning results. Originally ran in 1965 it was brought back in 2014 and since then has gone from strength to strength with this year’s winning entry entitled ‘Cycle War’.

Everything you can imagine is real was a quote originally by Pablo Picasso, but German artist Justin Peters feels it relates perfectly to his work. With some truly surreal photo manipulations he wants to open people’s eyes and discover a new and different world.

Complimentary Colours is an art exhibition pitting the famed shoe designer Christian Louboutin; a brand associated with riotous color, in a collaboration with CJ Hendry; an artist who works solely in black and white.
German photographer Bernhard Lang has been hanging out of small aircraft for 5 years now taking pictures, and whilst this technique does come with a risk factor it does produce truly stunning images, and this year led to him winning the 2015 Sony World Photo Award in the Travel category.
When it comes to the illusionary photographs of Erik Johansson all is definitely not what it seems. Take a mind-melting look with Cruise Life.