Cruise Fashion Blog

All the latest fashion news from Cruise

Classic Bacon Cheeseburger Recipe

The upcoming UK Burger Battle in Leicester has got our stomachs rumbling and taste buds tingling, and it has made us dig out a favourite recipe of ours. No fancy names or gimmicks needed, but maximum taste and enjoyment guaranteed with a ClassicBacon Cheeseburger Recipe.



The Track Cycling World Championships

Next Wednesday marks the start of the UCI Cycling World Track Championships 2016, and with 19 gold medals on offer the 26 British riders taking part will be hoping to be spurred on by a passionate home crowd, as this year the event takes place in London.



Jason Bourne - Teaser Film Trailer

In a SuperBowl Final that won’t live long in the memory one of the biggest talking points of the extravaganza was the half time film trailer for Jason Bourne, as Matt Damon reprises his most iconic role as that of the CIA assassin for the first time in 9 years in the latest offering of the action spy thriller series.

